devops barcelona 2023 talks

Check our awesome lineup!

The State of SQL-Based Observability

by Ryadh Dahimene

Many successful paradigms in engineering and computer science are the result of two distinct approaches colliding with each other, leading to broader and more powerful applications. In this talk, we’ll look at the parallel backgrounds of two established paradigms: SQL and Observability.

We’ll be tracing back the history of both paradigms. How they managed to avoid each other despite SQL being the lingua franca of data manipulation, and how the industry standardization, fuelled by open-source innovation, has now propelled SQL back into the game as an observability language. We’ll also highlight case studies and benchmark results to provide the necessary elements for the attendee to answer a simple question: is Sql-based observability applicable to my use case? highlighting also the current limitations of this approach and leaving the conclusions for the attendees to draw.

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Ryadh Dahimene

Ryadh Dahimene

Integrations PM at ClickHouse

Integrations dude at ClickHouse, fascinated by data in all its forms, Ryadh enjoys working closely with users, enabling them to turn massive datasets into actionable insights.


by Almudena Vivanco


Almudena Vivanco

Almudena Vivanco

Principal "PringaOps" Performance en SCRM - Lidl International Hub

Almudena is of a mathematical vocation and has been dedicated to performance engineering for 20 years. Almudena has worked on projects with high traffic and high availability from online television platforms, job portals, security proxies, and now a European retailer.

For 17 years, she has been actively involved in the dissemination of DevOps and performance culture in Spain.


by Yan Cui


Yan Cui

Yan Cui

Developer Advocate at Lumigo and AWS Serverless Hero

Yan is an experienced engineer who has run production workload at scale on AWS since 2010. He has been an architect and principal engineer in a variety of industries ranging from banking, e-commerce, sports streaming to mobile gaming.

He has worked extensively with AWS Lambda in production since 2015. Yan is also an AWS Serverless Hero and the author of Production-Ready Serverless and co-author of Serverless Architectures on AWS, 2nd Edition, both by Manning.

Generative AI: bliss or miss?

by Diana Todea

GenAI is not a brand new technology yet it has become a hot topic in the last couple of years. As many organisations are adopting it within different business cases, SREs and DevOps engineers have a great deal to say about its best use cases.

This talk puts GenAI on the DevOps map, and deep dives into the GenAI applications within the DevOps/SRE realm.

In this talk, I will revisit concepts and technologies linked to GenAI such as transformers, LLMs and RAG and see them applied into observability, in particular in the shape of the AI Assistant and focus on some use cases for DevOps engineers. Whether GenAI is really a must try technology, we will understand by the end of this talk.

Diana Todea

Diana Todea

Senior Site Reliability Engineer at EQS Group

Diana is a Senior Site Reliability Engineer at EQS Group. She is passionate about serverless, AI and machine learning.

A Tale of Tail Latency: Understanding Kubernetes CPU Requests and Limits For Sustainability and Profit

by Ara Pulido

When deploying an application to Kubernetes, each container in a pod should define CPU requests and limits. It is more commonly understood how CPU requests affect the scheduling of your pod and the future pods in the same node. But outside scheduling, CPU requests and limits have some effects on how your containers are created and can heavily impact their performance and their energy footprint.

In this talk we will help clarify some misconceptions about CPU requests and limits by explaining, in a developer friendly way, how they translate to some Linux internals. We will offer some quick tips on how to understand those effects, minimise them, and select good values to reduce your application energy footprint while ensuring its performance.

Ara Pulido

Ara Pulido

Staff Developer Advocate at Datadog

Ara Pulido is a Staff Developer Advocate at Datadog. Prior to that she worked as an Engineering Manager at Bitnami and Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu. She has more than 15 years of experience working on infrastructure open-source companies.

Scaling: from 0 to 25 million users

by Josip Stuhli

A story of how our infrastructure evolved over time to accommodate an increasing number of users - from on-premise to cloud and back down.

How does one make an infrastructure to handle more than a couple of users? How do you go from 100 to 1000 to 100,000 to tens of millions? What happens when due to popular demand hundreds of thousands of users hit your servers at the same time?

I'll tell you a story of how a small team of people managed to move software and services from one server to two, and then to dozens on cloud and then back to on-premise. What we encountered on the way, where we failed, and how we solved it.

Josip Stuhli

Josip Stuhli

CTO @ Sofascore

Josip has been involved with computers for the better part of his life. Started with web development back in high school. Since then he's moved to backend and DevOps.

Loves security stuff and is obsessed with optimising everything. Works in Zagreb as CTO @ Sofascore

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  • Q-tech
  • Redis
  • atmira
  • AXA
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silver Sponsors

  • Qualifyze
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bronze Sponsors

  • lumigo
  • CTO Camp
  • Rigor Alliance
  • Grafana