devops barcelona 2023 talks

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The State of SQL-Based Observability

by Ryadh Dahimene

Many successful paradigms in engineering and computer science are the result of two distinct approaches colliding with each other, leading to broader and more powerful applications. In this talk, we’ll look at the parallel backgrounds of two established paradigms: SQL and Observability.

We’ll be tracing back the history of both paradigms. How they managed to avoid each other despite SQL being the lingua franca of data manipulation, and how the industry standardization, fuelled by open-source innovation, has now propelled SQL back into the game as an observability language. We’ll also highlight case studies and benchmark results to provide the necessary elements for the attendee to answer a simple question: is Sql-based observability applicable to my use case? highlighting also the current limitations of this approach and leaving the conclusions for the attendees to draw.

More info in:

Ryadh Dahimene

Ryadh Dahimene

Integrations PM at ClickHouse

Integrations dude at ClickHouse, fascinated by data in all its forms, Ryadh enjoys working closely with users, enabling them to turn massive datasets into actionable insights.


by Almudena Vivanco


Almudena Vivanco

Almudena Vivanco

Principal "PringaOps" Performance en SCRM - Lidl International Hub

Almudena is of a mathematical vocation and has been dedicated to performance engineering for 20 years. Almudena has worked on projects with high traffic and high availability from online television platforms, job portals, security proxies, and now a European retailer.

For 17 years, she has been actively involved in the dissemination of DevOps and performance culture in Spain.

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